Twitter Bootstrap is the most popular front end framework in the recent time. It is sleek, intuitive, and powerful mobile first front-end framework for faster and easier web development. It uses HTML, CSS and Javascript. This tutorial will teach you the basics of Bootstrap Framework using which you can create web projects with ease. The tutorial is divided into sections such as Bootstrap Basic Structure, Bootstrap CSS, Bootstrap Layout Components and Bootstrap Plugins. Each of these sections contain related topics with simple and useful examples...
In Gwalior, Techies provide you Responsive Web Designing training under the assistance of IT professionals with 5+ years of efficiency who is managing live projects. It helps students to achieve a successful position in IT industry. So if you want more details regarding this training program you just have to fill the training form and hit the submit button & our team will get in touch with you as soon as possible.
Course Detail
- Bootstrap - Overview
- Bootstrap - Environment Setup
- Bootstrap - Grid System
- Bootstrap - CSS Overview
- Bootstrap - Typography
- Bootstrap - Code
- Bootstrap - Tables
- Bootstrap - Forms
- Bootstrap - Buttons
- Bootstrap - Images
- Bootstrap - Helper Classes
- Bootstrap - Responsive utilities
- Bootstrap - Glyphicons
- Bootstrap - Drop downs
- Bootstrap - Button Groups
- Bootstrap - Button Drop downs
- Bootstrap - Input Groups
- Bootstrap - Navigation Elements
- Bootstrap - Navbar
- Bootstrap - Breadcrumb
- Bootstrap - Pagination
- Bootstrap - Labels
- Bootstrap - Badges
- Bootstrap - Jumbotron
- Bootstrap - Page Header
- Bootstrap - Thumbnails
- Bootstrap - Alerts
- Bootstrap - Progress Bars
- Bootstrap - Media Object
- Bootstrap - List Group
- Bootstrap - Panels
- Bootstrap - Wells
- Bootstrap - Plugins Overview
- Bootstrap - Transition Plugin
- Bootstrap - Modal Plugin
- Bootstrap - Dropdown Plugin
- Bootstrap - Scrollspy Plugin
- Bootstrap - Tab Plugin
- Bootstrap - Tooltip Plugin
- Bootstrap - Popover Plugin
- Bootstrap - Alert Plugin
- Bootstrap - Button Plugin
- Bootstrap - Collapse Plugin
- Bootstrap - Carousel Plugin
- Bootstrap - Affix Plugin
- Bootstrap - Grid Demo
- Bootstrap - Table Demo
- Bootstrap - Form Demo
- Bootstrap - Buttons Demo
- Bootstrap - Images Demo
- Bootstrap - Responsive Demo
- Bootstrap - Navigation Demo
- Bootstrap - Blog Demo
- Bootstrap - Material Design Demo
- Bootstrap - Slider Demo
- Bootstrap - Time line Demo
- Bootstrap - Alert Demo
- Bootstrap - Admin Interface Demo
- Bootstrap - Ajax Demo
- Bootstrap - Tabbed slider Demo
- Bootstrap - Caption Demo
- Bootstrap - Map Demo
- Bootstrap - Calendar Demo
- Bootstrap - Social Icons Demo
- Bootstrap - Icons Demo
- Bootstrap - featured Demo